Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Brick in the Wall pt II: The second doctor's visit.

---After last week's fiasco of doctors and bowel movements, I tried to take it easy and get better. But still off and on, the uncomfortable feeling in my left side remains. So my family urged me once again to get tested by the regular doctor. Also the walk in clinic doctor I saw called me and said he saw calcification in my abdomen and I should get checked out if I get worse. I went ahead and got an appointment. Went in today and got tested and really, they could find nothing. They think the problem is abdominal muscle strain or tear. There's no bump or severe pain so that rules out anything major with my organs or anything. Its just simple strain and it could last a week, a month, a few months, etc. Most likely causes are the kid jumping on my belly from time to time as he does and me bending over with an extra 150 pounds pulling me down as I lift. Natch.

So yeah, bottom line. I'm not dying. Things seem to be okay. I've been instructed to take Advil and Alieve and put a heating pad on it when the feeling flares up. So hopefully soon the whole thing will be resolved. I intend on taking it easy the rest of the week and just relaxing. I'll let ya'll know if it worsens. But for now, I am alive and well. No worries. Just like I thought it would be in the beginning. But for a moment there, I was indeed scared. But all is well it seems for now.

This Friday: ROGER WATERS "THE WALL" LIVE!!!!! All this week he's playing in Chicago and I got a ticket for the Friday show. There's a possiblity that David Gilmour will be at the show as a guest, which would be fuckin' dope! We'll see. I'm really looking forward to it.

Yesterday, Shane and I recorded a new podcast for the IDIOTHEAD.COM podcast that is available to download at talkshoe.com or through itunes. We discuss the above concert, the football season so far, Mike Portnoy leaving Dream Theater (natch) and other stuff. So download it and check it out. Also sometime this week I will be doing my first live movie commentary on the podcast. I'm thinking a STAR TREK movie of course. Maybe do STAR TREK 5: THE FINAL FRONTIER. Just for the fun of it. Just to keep entertaining you fine folks!

DETROIT FANFARE is coming up soon! I'll be there with a crap ton of my artist brothers and sisters. Also some guy named "Stan Lee." Its October 30-31, Dearborn, MI. Details HERE

I am busy coloring ANNA POCALYPSE pages this week and will start on word balloons next week and get this sucker in the can by the end of the month. Will print in November I think and be ready in time for a nice Xmas present! So save yer pennies! It will be an 80 page graphic novel and retail below $15.00. Maybe closer to $10.00. We'll see what comes.

I guess thats all I got for now folks. Thanks for the emails and well wishes. I really appreciate your thoughts and prayers. I do hope indeed it is muscle strain and all of this has indeed been a false alarm. Now, onward and upward!

Cheers, T

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