Friday, September 17, 2010

Top worst TREK MOVIE moments..

Its been a while since I've done one of these, and I keep meaning to, so here it is. Another TREK list: The TOP WORST TREK MOVIE MOMENTS!!!! Starting with my personal #1...

1-ENTERPRISE JOYSTICK from "Insurrection"

What the hell is this? I mean... what THE HELL IS THIS?!?!!?!?!?! All the sudden you got a joystick to come up by the captain's chair and Riker can control the ship like he plays Atari? Easily the worst moment in Trek movie history.

2-Chick stars at old Riker "Insurrection"

You can tell how Insurrection is my least favorite Trek movie. This takes place around the same time as the Enterprise joystick. Riker makes some tough ass comment about kicking the bad guy's ass during a fight and the cut to a shot of the female helm officer shooting a look at Riker that basically says "Dude, I want to suck you off so bad right now you make me so hot." I don't get it. Why cut to that? Makes no damn sense.

3. KIRK DEATH from "Generations"

Not only did we not want it to happen, it happened in the worst way possible. And right after this, he was buried under some stones under a random planet! I don't get it. I was so upset on leaving the theater that day I saw it. If the internet would have been around back then, I would have bitched on every message board possible. Its been about 16 years since then and the pain still hasn't changed for me. It still sucks.

4. TROI RAPE "Nemesis"

I guess it gives her character something to do, but did I really need a rape scene in my Star Trek movie? Really? I guess it provides her with a reason to get back at the Remans later in the film during the fight, but even that scene seems to slow down the pacing of it. I guess I am just voicing some disgust over a rape scene in Trek. Granted, I don't like Troi at all, never have, but she don't deserve that. and we don't deserve to be forced to see that. Bad call.

5. DECKS in "The Final Frontier"

Its been brought up a million times but it bares repeating. Yes, the Enterprise has only 24-26 decks. Yes they go down instead of up. And it was Shatner that made the decision to do these things. He messed up. Plain and simple. But even though it keeps being brought up, doesn't excuse it from my mighty worst of list.

6. KIRK POINTS in "Undiscovered Country"

Two Kirks fight. Classic. But look at this pic. Where the hell is he pointing? The bad Kirk isn't standing on a ladder for God's sake! Couldn't they have fixed that in post? Just makes it look more fake than we know it is.

7. WHO ARE YOU? in "The Voyage Home"

Maybe I missed something. Who is this person and why does she get screentime and a name? It ruins the pacing of the scene and really doesn't need to be there. Unless its a cameo by a crewmember and there's an inside back story I don't know about. It takes place during the Scotty/McCoy giving the glassmaker the formula for Transparent Aluminum. All the sudden this bitch bursts in the office and he screams "NOT NOW MADALINE!" and she backs out the door like KOOL AID MAN in Family Guy bursting through the wall. What is this? Who is she? It causes more confusion than anything. Didn't need to be there.
(EDIT) Okay, I looked it up and apparently, this girl is the hair stylist for the film. Still couldn't find a reason why she's in the damn film!)

BONUS: No pic for this but a movie mistake in STAR TREK IV that no one ever mentions: Early in the film, the President of the Federation tells the Klingon Ambassador that Kirk is charged with nine violations of Starfleet Regulations. At his court-martial at the end, only six charges are listed: 1. Conspiracy, 2. Assault on Federation Officers, 3. Theft of Federation Property (the Enterprise), 4. Sabotage of the Excelsior, 5. Destruction of Federation Property (the Enterprise again), and 6. Disobeying direct orders of a superior officer. So... what happened to the other three? Am I obsessive? Indeed.

Hope you enjoyed. I got one more list to go in the future. Top 10 best STAR TREK original series moments. For looks at my previous lists, go through my earlier blogs, they are there somewhere.

Cheers, T

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn hilarious! The helmsman look at Riker. LOL.