Sunday, April 28, 2013

Upcoming Appearances...

HI EVERYBODY! Its time to start plugging! This coming Saturday, I'll be at CLEM'S COMICS in Downtown Lansing for FREE COMIC BOOK DAY! Starting at 8am, I'll be there pretty much all day signing, sketching, and selling my ass off. I will have copies of "TALES OF SEQUENTIAL MAYHEM," Prints, Cards, Sketch Cards and I will be taking commissions. For the kids 12 & Under, I am offering FREE SKETCHES! So bring em on out! Please come out and see me. Looking forward to it. Clem's Comics are great people. Its Downtown Lansing near the Capital buidling. Join us! Lots of other comic artists will be there too!

MOTOR CITY CON: I will be at Motor City Comic Con on Saturday, May 18th only. I'll be set up with my pal Brett Pinson and we will be pimping our new tradebook "THE EXPENDABLES" together! I will bring copies of TALES OF SEQUENTIAL MAYHEM and will be taking commissions for that day only. Come out and see me!

WIZARD WORLD CHICAGO CON - August 8-11th. I will be set up all weekend in artist alley. I will have everything I can bring. the usual stuff! Come on out and see me!


In other news: I hope to be editing some new videos this week and uploading them to youtube. I'm starting to get caught up on sketch card work, so I got some free time to do fun stuff. So look for that soon.

I am toying with the idea of going to HEROES CON again. but it depends on many factors. If the wife can get off of work. IF I can get a ride down. IF I can score a hotel split. But mainly, MONEY! So if you want a commission from me, now is the time! I'll do 8x11 for $20, 11x17 for $40. Add $10 for color. Sketch cards full color are $10. Please email me at to get something done for yourself and help me out. I desperately need a vacation. I'm going crazy! Plus, I miss my friends and other family at the comic cons. Help a bro out and I'll help you out!

Big news coming from me soon. It is regarding more sketch card work, but its a big huge deal to me. When all is revealed on their end, I can reveal as well. Very, very excitng! (sorry to tease, but I've been on cloud 9 about it all week) Hint: It was worth 4 Billion Dollars recently.....

The IDIOTHEAD MORNING SHOW PODCAST is up to episode #140. Doing very well! Download it via or on Itunes! Subscribe! Leave comments! tell your friends! Its a nice way to start your day with a little conversation from me. :)

I'm working on new Starslam strips this week. The new art is killer! and I found a place in the story to add some more story to flesh some things out better. Very awesome flow on this project! And don't worry, Anna pages are still getting inked too! I'm a busy mutha fucka!

Anyway, thanks for catching up with me! I hope all is well. Take care!


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