Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Grand Return of Old Friends, FINALLY!

Hey everyone! Been a CRAZY busy week. I had shifts at both jobs galore and barely any time for myself at all. In fact, I just got out of a 12 hour shift from one job and have to be back there in 8 hours for a 10 hour shift! BAH!!!!!!! But hey, the money will be much appreciated.

I did have an afternoon off yesterday from Meijer so I took my girl out to a place called HOPCATS in East Lansing. We did a beer sampler and I got a nice BBQ Burger.

The Burger was called "THE COWBOY" and the menu for it had an obscure reference to the TV version of the movie: DIE HARD. In honor of that obscure reference, I had to order it.

Good burger and GREAT fries there!  I recommend it.

Anyway, the real reason I am blogging today is to announce and showcase the official return of some old old old friends. The story goes like this: In 2012, I announced that I would be working on a sequel to my old Graphic Novel, PLEASANT LIFE. I had a partial script but life got in the way. Then in 2014, I wrote out a full script and planned on getting it done in 2016. But meanwhile, I collected all the previous stories into one nice tradebook. 500 pages! WHEW! But I drew a bonus 8 page story in the back of it. It got me hankerin' to draw Lucas and Mortin again. So I got jazzed about the script I had done. But the Starslam Kickstarter did so well that I started working on the sequel to that immediately. PLEASANT LIFE sequel was shelved again.

But good writing sticks with you. I couldn't get it out of my head. So I decided the other day: I will work on PLEASANT LIFE at the same time as I work on STARSLAM 2, and the sketch card sets I do. The goal is to get STARSLAM 2 done first and launched by year end and then PLEASANT LIFE ready by con season next year. It will be the same size as the new pocket tradebook. Maybe around 200 pages. I'm drawing it on smaller pages and it will be in Black and White to save time and remain consistant and cost effective. I tweeked the script and started on it last night at work. Here are the first two pages of the new PLEASANT LIFE!!!

Most of the main gang is back, with a few exceptions. But you'll have to get and read the book to find out who is in the sequel! This is going to be a deeply touching, personal and funny book, just like the first PLEASANT LIFE was. This is a story that NEEDS to be told. And I am very excited to get it out to everyone. But trust me, no delays. Its just when I take a break from STARSLAM, I'll work on PLEASANT LIFE. IT should run pretty smoothly. I have no worries.

So yes, the boys are back in town. It feels GREAT to draw them again. And I got so much cool shit thats gonna happen in this new book, I can't wait for everyone to read it. Just ya'll wait!

Anyway, I love ya all. Wish me luck as I juggle my babies around!

Cheers, T

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