Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Fuck the Facebookz

I decided to leave the Facebooks for a while. Again. This time I'm gonna work hard to make that stick. Because there's just wayyyyyy too much time wasted on my part reposting memes and getting into political and opinion arguments on art, social issues and other things. I just don't find joy in it so why bother? Such a time suck and stress creator. Its my fault, honestly. I can't trust myself to not plug in. So I gotta make the smart decision and cut it out. Plus side: less fucking ads in the feed and full of what other people like instead of what I WANT to read!

I will keep the page open for certain things like posting there when I have a new blog or online store sale or something to promote. But day to day talkings and postings about thoughts and my day are now exclusive to my TWITTER ACCOUNT. I will likely add an Instagram account to the mix at some point too.

Just policing my activity and wasted efforts/time so I can get down to business and lead a happier life.

If you do like my daily ramblings and want to follow me, my twitter account is here:


Much love! Be safe and sane,


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