Thursday, December 26, 2013

Hectic Xmas Week!

Holy crap what a week! We had a major ice storm here in Central Michigan and we lost power for about three days. Had to stay in a hotel. Over 40,000 people in the Lansing area were without power. It was a madhouse, apocolypse of a town. We almost started wearing football gear and hoarding gasoline. But now power is back on, Christmas was back on and we had a blast. 

Anyway, here's some pics of our week.

Here is a bush in our front lawn, encased in thick ice. EVERYTHING outside has suffered the same fate. It was absolute anarchy outside. Walking ten feet without slipping was a miracle.

I went to Walmart early in a fruitless attempt to get a propane heater, some candles and flashlights. The shelves were bare. I had a pic of the empty flashlight shelves but it got deleted.

We ended up staying in two different hotels. Here's James starting to destroy the second one, by ripping up kleenex all over the floor.

Power came back on early Xmas eve and so we got to celebrate Christmas morning at home. Here's the bots opening a present.

After we had our xmas at home, we drove to Detroit to have Christmas with the boys' Grandparents. They showered us all with huge gifts and a great dinner. We had a great time!

We barely got home with all the toys the boys got from Grandma and Grandpa. Insane!

So all is better now. Life returning to normal. If anyone is waiting on a package from me, it will be mailed out no later than tomorrow. Thanks for baring with me. Its been one hell of a busy week. And despite our worries of our house getting cold and us worrying about the cats and how they would make it, they came out alive. Only casualty: One fish. Our poor algae eater didn't make it cause their water got cold. Poor guy.

But I count my blessings. We got lucky. Some only got their power back this morning. It was a complete nightmare. And some of you who listen to my podcast will know that an ex co-worker of mine got in a really bad car accident and is going through some major surgeries in the hospital all this week. Thank God the drunk drivers who smashed into her were caught and will face justice. All her friends are banding together and sending her positive thoughts at this time. I guess the lesson for all of us is: count your blessings. Crap happens without notice every day. Enjoy the good times and prepare for the bad times if you can. But in the end, it all comes out okay and we become stronger people for it. Get close with your friends and loved ones. Thats what the holidays are all about.

Much love to you my friends, T

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